A Complete Healing From Here
5,000 Years of Ancient Remedy, Revitalized with Contemporary Techniques

柔和, 有力, 均匀, 持久, 深透Gentle Touch, Firm Pressure, Even Force, Sustained Strength, and Deep Reach
触之于皮肤, 动之于肌肉, 应之于脏腑Touching the Skin, Activating the Muscles, and Harmonizing the Organs
刺激穴位, 疏通经络, 行气活血Stimulating Acupoints, Clearing Meridians, and Accelerating Blood&Energy Flow
Healing Remedy
Inheriting traditional Chinese Tui Na principles, blended with contemporary techniques, to relieve all tension and tightness while harmonizing body and mind.

柔和, 有力, 均匀, 持久, 深透
触之于皮肤, 动之于肌肉, 应之于脏腑Touching the Skin, Activating the Muscles, and Harmonizing the Organs
刺激穴位, 疏通经络, 行气活血
Gentle Touch, Firm Pressure, Even Force, Sustained Strength, and Deep Reach
Stimulating Acupoints, Clearing Meridians, and Accelerating Blood&Energy Flow
Foot Massage

Start with head, neck, shoulder, and arms, then a thorough reflexology foot massage

Swedish Massage
Full body relaxation finished with hot stones, professionally trained therapists to relax muscles, stimulate acupoints and clear meridians
Deep Tissue
An elevated version of Swedish massage, completely releasing any tension or tightness, feeling more levitated than ever before

Combo Massage
Great value for a foot and back combination massage
Chair Acupresser
Complete neck and shoulder pain relief in a portable massage chair
Exfoliation, Nail Trim, and Moisturization
30 min $35
60 min $45
90 min $75
30 min $45
60 min $65
90 min $95
30 min $55
60 min $75
90 min $110
60 min $55
(Customizable for 90 min and 120 min)
10 min $15
15 min $22
30 min $45
60 min $75
30 min $40
60 min $55
120 min $125
120 min $145
we can always customize the massage for the best result you're looking for
Foot Massage

Start with head, neck, shoulder, and arms, then a thorough reflexology foot massage

Swedish Massage
Full body relaxation finished with hot stones, professionally trained therapists to relax muscles, stimulate acupoints and clear meridians
Deep Tissue
An elevated version of Swedish massage, completely releasing any tension or tightness, feeling more levitated than ever before

Combo Massage
Great value for a foot and back combination massage
Chair Acupresser
Complete neck and shoulder pain relief in a portable massage chair
Exfoliation, Nail Trim, and Moisturization
30 min $35
60 min $45
90 min $75
30 min $45
60 min $65
90 min $95
30 min $55
60 min $75
90 min $110
60 min $75
(Customizable for 90 min and 120 min)
10 min $15
15 min $22
30 min $45
60 min $65
30 min $40
60 min $55
120 min $125
120 min $145
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), massage is an effective treatment that promotes the flow of energy (气 qi), balances physiological functions (阴 yin, 阳 yang), enhances blood circulation (活血化瘀), and harmonizes the body and mind, ultimately improving holistic well-being.

Our Root
Tui Na (massage) can be traced back around 5,000 years ago to ancient China. In 200 BCE, it was first mentioned in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon (Huangdi Neijing), the foundational text of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), marking the first documented reference to massage in the world.
Our Philosophy
Just as cupping and acupuncture are favored by many celebrities, including Olympic champion Michael Phelps and pop star Justin Bieber, massage also stems from Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. We believe that our techniques and theories can heal both your body and mind.
Our Mission
Clean Calm Comforting
Clean Calm Comforting
Customer Reviews
Amazing detail to tight muscles. Excellent pressure and will be a longstanding client.
I just came to massage finesse and had Linda as a massage tech. She was wonderful. The staff is very friendly and the massage was excellent. Highly recommend!
I have been coming here for a few years and the experiences have been amazing.
First time visit and I already can’t wait to go again, the most relaxing experience! Incredible value for the price.